OK-INBRE Mini Grants
Please refer programmatic questions to Darrin Akins darrin-akins@ouhsc.edu or Dawn Hammon dhammon@oshre.edu (405.225.9459).
Key Dates
Anticipated Release/Posted Date: October, 2018
Application Due Date: February 18, 2019, 5:00pm
Peer Review Date: April, 2019
Earliest Anticipated Start Date: May 1, 2019
Funding Opportunity Description
This funding opportunity announcement issued by OK-INBRE solicits new applications for research projects from Oklahoma undergraduate institutions (see eligible institutions below). Faculty funded through this program will gain valuable experience in designing, conducting and reporting biomedical research, thus enhancing their ability to compete for extramural funding beyond the local level. All proposed research must be based on science related to the biomedical and human health and disease missions of the NIH and OK-INBRE.
Eligible Institutions
University of Central Oklahoma
East Central University
Northeastern State University
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Southeastern State University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Cameron University
Langston University
Rogers State University
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Panhandle State University
Eligible Faculty
Full-time, permanent faculty members with the rank of Assistant Professor and higher are eligible to apply for the program as Principal Investigators. Non-tenure track faculty are eligible for funding with a justification/letter of support from the Chair and the Dean that the institution is providing resources such as lab space and other support for the faculty member to carry out the project.
Number of Applications
Faculty may submit more than one application, provided each application is scientifically distinct. While faculty may apply for OK-INBRE Collaborative and Mini-Grants simultaneously, they may only receive one award each year.
Budget and Project Period
Direct costs are limited to $25,000 over the 1 year period (May 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020, pending INBRE renewal). Facility and Administrative costs (F&A) may be requested in addition to the $25,000 in direct costs. The following institutions will be required to waive F&A: East Central University, Rogers State University, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University. Awards at these institutions will be funded by the State Regents for Higher Education.
Unexpended funds cannot be carried over to the next grant year.
Funds Available
Funding for 2019 is anticipated to support at least four awards in the amount of $25,000 each in direct costs plus F&A if permitted.
Application Components
NIH form pages are located at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html
1. PHS398 Form Page 1: Face Page
2. PHS398 Form Page 2: Summary, Relevance, Project/Performance Sites, Senior/Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors, and Human Embryonic Stem Cells
3. PHS398 Form Page 3: Research Grant Table of Contents
4. PHS398 Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period (May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019).
5. Budget Justification
6. PHS398 Resources Format Page
7. Research Plan:
Limited to 4 pages
Includes: Specific Aims, Background & Significance, Preliminary Data, Experimental Design
Include an explanation of how any prior INBRE funding has enhanced the faculty member’s research program
Illustrations or figures may be included in the research plan and will be counted against the 4-page limit
No less than .5 inch margins
No less than 11 point font
No appendix is permitted
References, vertebrate animals, human subjects, etc. do not count against the page limit.
8. Letters of support may be included and do not count against the page limit.
9. Biographical Sketch. Applicants must follow the most recent NIH requirements for the NIH biographical sketch located at https://grants.nih.gov/grants/how-to-apply-application-guide/forms-e/general/g.240-r&r-seniorkey-person-profile-(expanded)-form.htm#Instructions
On the biographical sketch, include a list of grant applications submitted for the last three years, irrespective of funding outcome.
Submit an electronic copy in a single pdf file (in color if needed) to Dawn Hammon at dhammon@osrhe.edu. Be sure to route your application through the appropriate grants administration office at your institution. The deadline for submitting applications is 5:00 pm on February 18, 2019.
Review Procedures
Each application will be reviewed for scientific merit by a faculty peer review committee appointed by the OK-INBRE Principal Investigator. The committee will recommend whether or not an application should be considered for funding and rank the proposal according to its scientific merit. This scientific merit review will be based on the following criteria:
1. Feasibility and scientific merit
2. Soundness of the approach and research design
3. Quality and appropriateness of data analyses
4. Qualifications and experience of the investigator
5. Appropriateness for student involvement. You may describe prior student involvement in your lab if appropriate.
6. Potential of the research to attract extramural funding upon completion of the Mini Grant project
Upon completion of the peer review process, each investigator will be provided with the faculty peer review committee critiques.
NIH will review all projects selected by the INBRE review committee and give final approval for funding. Projects cannot begin until NIH approval is received. For selected projects involving human subjects or vertebrate animals, all Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approvals must be secured before the project can be submitted to NIH for final approval. Project titles on the approvals must be identical to the INBRE Collaborative Grant title. Radiation Safety Committee and Institutional Biosafety Committee protocols must also be approved by relevant review committees prior to funding of awards.
Grant Administration
The source of funding for the OK-INBRE Program is the National Institutes of Health or the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Therefore, all expenditures must be made in compliance with all applicable federal rules and regulations including Cost Accounting Standards. Award mechanisms will be administered through the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting. Questions about grant administration should be addressed to Dawn Hammon at dhammon@osrhe.edu or Dr. Darrin Akins at darrin-akins@ouhsc.edu or 405.225.9459.
Progress Reports
Awardees will provide a progress report to the OK-INBRE Principal Investigator. The report shall include a summary of research progress; extramural funding applications submitted or planned; manuscripts published, submitted, or in preparation; presentations at professional meetings, and other information. Awardees will be furnished with reporting instructions and reminders of report due dates by the OK-INBRE administrative staff in January 2020.
NIH policy effective April 7, 2008: NIH now requires submission of all final manuscripts to PubMed Central for research funded in whole or in part by the NIH. The PubMed Central reference number must be included in NIH applications, proposals, and progress reports effective May, 2008. See the NIH website on the Public Access Policy for details (http://publicaccess.nih.gov).
Publications Resulting from INBRE-funded Awards
NIH requires submission of all final manuscripts to PubMed Central for research funded in whole or in part by the NIH. The PubMed Central reference number must be included in NIH applications, proposals, and progress reports effective May, 2008. See the NIH website on the Public Access Policy for details (http://publicaccess.nih.gov).
Remaining Funds at End of Project Period
In no instance will remaining project funds be permitted to be carried over to the following INBRE grant year. No-cost extensions will not be allowed.