Spencer travel 2017

Dr. Diana Spencer and others enjoying the 2017 NCUR conference!

This Funding Opportunity Announcement is available for download.  Click here for the application.

  1.  Purpose:   Professional development travel grants for faculty
  2. Maximum Award:   $2,000
  3. Awards:  While multiple applications may be submitted, only one travel award will be allowed to any single individual in a single grant year (grant year period is May 1st – April 30th)
  4. Deadline: There are two application deadlines per grant year, March 15 and September 15.
  5. Conference:  All travel grant requests for research conferences must be based on science related to the biomedical and human health and disease missions of the NIH and OK-INBRE.
  6. Cancellation:  If the conference is cancelled or the awardee is unable to attend, the travel grant is not transferrable to another event.  However, application can be made for the next round of travel grants.

This funding opportunity announcement issued by OK-INBRE solicits applications for faculty professional development through travel to attend regional or national research and/or educational conferences to present scholarly works related to the biomedical and human health and disease missions of the NIH and OK-INBRE.  Educational meetings must be related to enhancing knowledge and or best practices in a STEM discipline.


Faculty that are employed full-time at one of the following OK-INBRE network institutions are eligible: Cameron University, East Central University, Langston University, Northeastern State University, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Rogers State University, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, the University of Central Oklahoma, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Community College, Tulsa Community College, Redlands Community College or College of the Muscogee Nation.  Students are not eligible to apply.

Students can also be included in the budget request for the event or conference along with the faculty mentor.


The OK-INBRE grant year runs from May 1 – April 30.

Deadlines:        September 15, 2018         for travel from November 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019

                             March 15, 2019             for travel from May 1, 2019 – October 31, 2019


Application form

Biosketch in current NIH format

Detailed budget including costs for:

Transportation (flight or other mode of travel)

Lodging (at conference approved hotel)


                             Allowable Travel Expenses:





                             Airport parking

                             Per diem (calculated at NIH rate)

                             Personal mileage

                             Checked baggage for one bag

NOTE: Funds may not be used for salary support.  Funds may not be used for membership fees unless membership fees are included as part of registration costs.  If there is an option to register without membership, that option must be selected.

Meeting Information:

  • Title and abstract of presentation (for oral or poster presentation) – 1 page maximum
  • A description of how the research is related to human health and disease (for research conference)
  • How the conference will enhance your career (and your students if included in budget) and how it will impact your future research and/or educational activities at your home campus – 1 page maximum
  • Provide a copy of the literature and background provided by the conference for informational purposes or provide the conference URL that can be accessed online - no page limit
  • Names of students attending if applicable
  • The faculty member and/or accompanying student must be presenting a poster or oral presentation to be eligible to apply for a travel award (i.e., at least one member of the traveling party must be presenting at the meeting).
  • OK-INBRE travel grants may be used to supplement other travel funds for a professional meeting.  Priority will be given to faculty who have no other travel resources.
  • Faculty are not restricted as far as the number of grant submissions in a single grant year, but may only be awarded one time per grant year.

Other Information:  

  • The faculty member and/or accompanying student must be presenting a poster or oral presentation to be eligible to apply for a travel award (i.e., at least one member of the traveling party must be presenting at the meeting).
  • OK-INBRE travel grants may be used to supplement other travel funds for a professional meeting.  Priority will be given to faculty who have no other travel resources.
  • Faculty are not restricted as far as the number of grant submissions in a single grant year, but may only be awarded one time per grant year.

Applications must be submitted electronically to the OK-INBRE Sponsored Program Coordinator, Ms. Dawn Hammon, at by 5pm on the relevant deadline date.  No paper applications will be accepted.


Each application will be evaluated by the OK-INBRE Program Coordinator (PC) and a review committee selected by the PC.  Applicants will be notified shortly after each deadline by email.


A brief progress report of the travel will be required that will request a brief description of participation at the conference, a copy of the poster or slides from your talk and any pictures you want to share.  Awardees will be notified by the OK-INBRE office regarding report deadlines.


The source of funding for the OK-INBRE Program is the National Institutes of Health.  Therefore, all expenditures must be made in compliance with all applicable federal rules and regulations including Cost Accounting Standards. Questions about grant administration should be addressed to Dawn Hammon at